The latest Disk Wiper Hard Driver Eraser USB and DVD 2 in 1 package. You'll have everything you need to Securely And Completely Erase Your Hard Drive With The Disk Wiper Hard Drive Eraser.
You can use either the USB drive if you don't have a DVD Drive in your system or the DVD Drive if your computer cannot boot from USB.
Did you know that simply deleting files and folders doesn't actually delete the files completely? Instead, it simply removes it from the content of your hard drive?
Most people have no idea that even when they reset their computer to factory default or erase pictures and documents that their personal information is still on the hard drive. A quick run of a simple and free to download undelete program could be used to restore all of the data on to the hard drive - allowing thieves to steal not just photos, files, personal information, but also your entire identity!
This data will stay there until your hard drive needs to re-write on the very same sectors with new data. This can take several months, depending on the size of your hard drive.
And that is where our DISK WIPER Hard Drive Eraser is different. This Disk Wiper Software will securely wipe any computers hard drive beyond any possible recovery or repair!
Before you sell your used computer or return it from a lease - make sure You Erase Your Hard Drive With The Hard Drive Eraser With dban Disk Wiper Software. Even if you dispose of your hard drive or donate your computer to a charity, even if you reset your operating system, there will still be traces of your personal information and past images from you, the original owner.
This can include your SSN or SIN number, your credit card numbers, bank account details, personal logins to Facebook and other social media sites or your medical or tax records.
The only way to make sure that all of your data is completely gone from your hard drive is to use our Disk Wiper With Dban to securely and permanently Erase Your Hard Drive and wipe it clean.